Municipal Amalgamation Research Project (ongoing since 2014)
The Northern Democracy Initiative for Timmins, Ontario is a combined research, book and documentary film & digital media project about the changing conditions of socio-economic development and local democracy in Northern mining communities, with special attention to the City of Timmins – before, during and after its amalgamation in 1973. This NDI research project is motivated by concerns about the ongoing loss of socio-economic opportunities and community engagement in Timmins, and surrounding communities that were forced into amalgamation (Schumacher, South Porcupine, Porcupine, unincorporated townships).
The City of Timmins municipal amalgamation research project is a means to look more deeply at long-term local-level changes that have been going on in Northern communities generally and conflicts of vision and voice in development that have implications for the future successes or failures of many communities in northern Canada.
NDI Timmins Research Findings
NDI Timmins Collaborators
NDI Timmins Funders
J.P. Bickell Foundation
Schumacher Foundation
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council